April 7, 2008

Beach Blanket Bingo

Growing up we had these Travel Bingo games that we could play on road trips.  Instead of the numbers found on your standard Bingo card these had pictures of tractors, horses and other objects you were likely to see on your typical road trip.  See a dump truck or a deer crossing sign and you got to cross off the corresponding box, cross off 5 boxes in a row and "BINGO!" you've won, and only 8 hours more to Albuquerque.  

I know we're beating our Mexico trip to death blog-wise, but it was a lot of blog fodder packed into one week!  Back to Travel Bingo, in Cancun we decided to play our own rendition of this game.  The goal was to be the first to see things like an awful sunburn, a garish Hawai'ian shirt, or the ever popular "Property of Alcatraz Federal Prison: Psycho Ward" and "FBI: Federal Bikini Inspector" t-shirts.  Tourists can be tacky, let's be honest, and the t-shirt category ended up being one of our favorites.  Here are some of the standouts:

A new twist on an old favorite.

Flatulence pride, don't hide it.

And one of Allison's favorites.  She had a complete stranger pose for this one.

1 comment:

curg said...

I'm pretty impressed, guys. I didn't think there were 3 shirts you could actually post on here without censoring. BTW, other people may be sick of these, but I can't get enough of them.

The Cooling Rack

Baked goods are only half the story...